UPDATE April 11, 2016 :: See “Kibler Valley River Run” section at the bottom.
Fishing and Boating Access Remain Open

Outflow of Pinnacles Hydro Station.
Campsites are a short distance downstream.
Source: http://www.lifeinmayberry.com/ (Delane Heath)
Not many people know about the 10 primitive campsites tucked away in Kibler Valley, VA, on the banks of the Dan River where it’s young enough to call a creek. There’s no charge for camping. Just find an empty site and check in with the on-duty operator at the Pinnacles Hydro Station at the end of Kibler Valley Rd. Even tho my thing is promoting outdoor recreation and tourism in the Upper Dan River I am always hesitant to loudly promote that campground. I feel like I would be betraying my friends who hold it as a refuge – like a secret hideout. There is no mobile phone service in that deep gorge … if that helps you understand.
A week ago the little hidden campground was closed without a press release or press coverage – perhaps reflecting the care we’ve all taken to keep it below the radar and from becoming overrun. The hordes of tourists can have nearby Hanging Rock State Park and Fairy Stone State Park – Kibler is our secret.
Following is a statement I received from Danville’s Director of Utilities, Jason Grey, who confirmed that the campground closure does not affect access for angling and boating – repeat – fishing and boating access is OPEN on the Pinnacles Hydro property in Kibler Valley. [emphasis added by post author, Dale]
City staff is in the process of submitting a permit to the State of Virginia for public camping on the project. The Virginia Department of Health has requested the Pinnacles Hydro facility curtail camping until the permit for camping and upgrades for permanent restroom facilities are established. City staff met with the Patrick County Health Inspector to discuss the process needed to get the Hydro facility permitted. Due to a complaint, a local resident is asking that we stop allowing members of the public to use camp sites and facilities. After the meeting, it was agreed that we will submit a permit to help us become compliant on paper even though we currently have a federal waiver. Until the City can satisfy the permit requirements, we will be required to keep the camping areas closed. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions. Thank you,
Jason Grey Director of Utilities (434) 799-5270 1040 Monument Street Danville, VA 24541 www.DanvilleUtilities.com www.nDanville.com
I will do my best to follow and report on this as it develops.
UPDATE: The race is back on.
The 34th Annual Kibler Valley River Run is also cancelled
As you might know, the 34th annual Kibler Valley River Run has been cancelled. The Ruritans were unable to secure property to hold the event. I am collecting old newspaper, magazine, and personal stories from the past 50 years of paddling and angling in Kibler Valley to be assembled into a historical narrative. In searching the interwebs for history of the race I was very sad to find virtually nothing. So – help me out. You can send emails, videos, pictures and anything digital to dale@natureplayoutdoors.com. If you’ve got something that you want to mail, shoot me a message and I’ll give you an address.